BEYOND TRAINING - When educational and training courses for sharing experiences & knowledge pass also by the digital transformation

Published on July, 2016

Cimprogetti has always believed that training for personnel, agents and customers is the key principle to address competencies, business needs and job expectations. To this end, Cemento Sur S.A., belonging to Grupo Gloria S.A., has recently entrusted Cimprogetti for a two-days training package focusing lime production processes and plant operation. Its plant features no.3 regenerative kilns, located in the District of Caracoto, Province of San Román that supplies the high Andean and jungle areas in the southeast of Peru.

An “onsite” training has involved almost 15 plant and lab operators in a web-room thousand miles distance away from Cimprogetti’s headquarter.
Raw material characterization for industrial lime production using a Twin Shaft Regenerative kiln and lime hydration process for FGD purposes have been the main implemented topics.

Cimprogetti is even more committing itself in coaching, sharing experience and facts, discussing data and documents by connecting people with a simple “click”. The culture and the values shared make it possible to integrate ideas of quality, savings, service, and business results.
Effective educational and training courses to master Lime Technologies as a continuous process for any lime producer.

At the end of the course, a Training Certificate has been delivered to each participant.