Published in October, 2016

In a fiery context of political debate that animates the American life, a space dedicated to lime has been carved out at ILA 2016 - WASHINGTON, D.C.
In the Washington Court Hotel, located just two blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, a hundred delegates coming from 21 countries have shared the new technology developments focusing especially to CO2 issues.
Moving forward beyond the normal performances, it’s mandatory nowadays to enhance the kiln performance, increase the quality consistency and reduce the operative and maintenance costs.
Cimprogetti has introduced some interesting simulation tools able to solve the stone segregation in a vertical lime kiln and reduce the quarry operation cost with the intent to use a wide range of limestone sizes.
A way to fill the gap between rotary kiln and twin shaft regenerative technology…

Pictured: L. Sarandrea (Technical Director), PL.Rizzi (Sole Director)