On March 27th, 2017, the governance of Cimprogetti Srl has changed.
From this date, Pierluigi Rizzi, founder of the company in 1967, ceased the position of Sole Director and assumed the duties of President and CEO of a new Board of Directors composed by :

  • Prof. Dr. Giuliano Buffelli, illustrious accountant of Bergamo,
  • Dr. Pier Luca Rizzi, entrepreneur and son
  • and the members of the C.C.B. (Commitee for Budget Coordination) Eng. Paolo Caimi, Dr. Andrea Rubini and Eng. Luca Sarandrea.

The new governance was created to better highlight the general situation of the company towards the stakeholders and the customers.
It is hoped that, in the year of the 50th anniversary of the company, the new Board of Directors and the company can take a safer path and always acquiring best prestige.