Cimprogetti, a wealth of experience and knowledge...

Published on April, 2016

A 3-days educational course has been held at Cimprogetti’s Headquarter for Company’s  agents and representatives seeking to enhance their professional credentials in the field of lime production process.

The attendees, coming from four continents, had the opportunity to gain critical knowledge and skills on Cimprogetti’s technology through full time classroom sessions and site visits to lime production plants in northern Italy using Cimprogetti’s technology.

This 1st event of its kind, punctuated by pleasant moments of conviviality, has been largely appreciated by the attendees and the staff involved. It has been concluded by a speech on the Path of Lime in India reported by Mr. Narasimhamurthy Nagaraja Rao, a long-time Cimprogetti’s Consultant for India and  designated as new President of Cimprogetti of India.